Furry Names
A semi-comprehensive mapping of furry nicknames for various animals
- burr
- bear
- yeen
- hyena
- yote, yipyap
- coyote
- awoo, wuff, woof, walf, waff, woff
- wolf
- doggo, pupper
- dog
- shep
- german shepard
- dobie
- doberman
- husk, hoosk, hooskie, curlytail, curl
- husky
- dalmy, spotty
- dalmation
- fops, fawks, focks, fochs
- fox
- snep
- snow leopard
- tufts
- lynx, bobcat
- tuftcat
- lynx, serval
- floppa
- caracal
- poom
- mountain lion
- chee
- cheetah
- catte
- housecat
- gote
- goat
- dook
- ferret
- trash panda
- raccoon
- pander
- panda
- wah
- red panda
- bun, bnnuy, bunnybutt
- bunny
- ott
- otter
- shonk
- shark
- snek
- snake
- derg
- dragon
- noodle
- eastern dragon, ferret, snake
- serg, cheese, wej
- sergal
- zeeb
- zebra
- hoers
- horse
- durr
- deer
- birb, burb
- bird
If I've missed one, do reach out! You can find me @cryptoquick on Telegram
and Discord.